Understand your Bait.  Proteins, AA, Fats, Carbs, Fibers, Vitamins, Minerals…


Complete food source A.K.A. Holly Trinity with AA Friends. Every Bait shoud fullfil carp needs


Walk through major Bait theories and their importance. From corn…to corn


Our Bait Approach.


Completely Natural

Only premium and fresh ingredients with lowest possible anti nutrition factors (ANF). Milled in house straight from nature s vault. We only use human food grade baby milk replacer.

Perfectly Balanced Nutrition Value for every Season

All baits are season specific balanced in their nutritional value, solubility and digestibility.

0% “Blow” Rate

Carefully balanced nutritional value of bait with no artificial chemical signals 4 Carp to recognize and avoid. Formulated to stand the test of Time… BAIT WILL BE TAKEN 4 EVER!

Fully CustomiZable

Customize your bait freely. Boiling, steaming, air drying, diameter and shape wise... If we don t have it… You don t want it!


Every BASEMIX Dough is "Cured" before rolling

We give dough the time to soak the precious liquids and kick off enzyme activity before rolling.

Comes with Nutrition Label

So you know, what you fish with

Very Attractive 4 Fish 2 Detect

High in free aminos, nucleotide content and PH non neutral outer layer.

Guaranteed Fish Health and Wellbeing

Every bait contains sufficient vitamin, mineral and antioxidant content. Plus extra B carotene at spawning time.

100% Rainwater Used

Every drop of water used in bait production comes from naturally filtered rainwater.

All ellaborate Spice Combinations are Unique to BIO-TAKE

We belive in magical healing and feed trigering powers of Natural Spices. On purpose, our bleds distance themselves from all commercially avilable blends. We offer carp easy way out 🙂

100% Always Fresh

Every batch made to your order unless you want the aged one.

Extreemly Digestible

Use of hydrolysed and lowest possible ANF ingredients, with optimal fiber content for every season, coupled with digestion-aid spice blends, sea weeds and coarse bait structure enables the bait to be digested easily and fast. Return to feed time has been tested to be not more than 8hrs (water temp 17-24 C)

0% Added Aroma / Flavour

All Baits have very potent smell and distinguished taste without artificial chemical trace for negative chemo-reception response. If natural food grade flavour is used it is extra stated and included in trace amount.

0% Added Preservatives

That s right! This only should increase your catch rate by  30%.

0% Added Artificial Sweetners

Natural all the way

0% Added MSG

No need for taste enhancer in our baits

0% Added Salt in Bait

There is enough in marine meals and sea weeds.

0% Bullshit, 100% Carp Fit

No advertising, no misleading claims, no compromises of nutritional profile for faster or/and easier production... Designed and made with only one thing in mind, provide carp with what they need and deserve, to grow bigger and stronger. We have our kids waiting for their epic drills with them in the future

Feed ’em and meet ’em

"We Learn a lifetime, yet we die as idiots"

It all started 32 years ago in a pond not far away from the family house. First landed Carp set the stage for life long affection, dedication, respect and concern for my beloved fish species. Special relationship has been growing ever since. We ve come a long way. Both carp and myself.

Spending most of my life in nature, including 12 years of military I decided to combine my understanding of carp behaviour and feeding patterns with extensive knowledge about nutrition in general with extra focus on carps dietary requirements with intent to provide carp perfectly balanced food source with stunning taste and unprecedented catch rate.

Like most of you I started to fish with maggots and corn, experimenting with semolina, bread crumb pastes and all of the old school stuff. Later than sooner I stumbled upon boilies. I could say I was doing pretty good before boiles. The thing was the fish were not quite monsterous sizes. Off the shelf big name boilies changed their size and that changed me… Pandora’s box was open.

I wanted to understand what and why  makes the difference. I dug deeper in the universe of nutritional science, carp dietary requirements, role of herbs and spices, carp behavioural studies, made my fishing more methodical, gathered and analysed other fishermen experience and heap of  horseshit advertising articles only to discover years later they were misleading, most of the time nothing but commercial bollocks.

Thankfully enough there are a few legends, not mocking about.   The authors of great books, articles of their vast fishing wisdom and experience. I recognised the drive in the history’s great as my own. It pushed me further…

My first documented carp from more than 35 years ago

Years passing and money allowing I started to design my own  bait. I just could not buy what I needed, the profile I wanted. I tried all the bells and whistles from chemistry department only to find out how madly I hated them. We’ ve all been there I guess.

The next shocking discovery was misleading and straight out lying advertizing about freshness and quality of the ingredients used. Don t even get me started with no proper igredients (in finished bait) listed in the first place. In order to get the quality and freshness required I had to find the major producers of raw bait ingredients. This was painful… When finally communication was established, nobody wanted to sell less than 12 tonns?!

In the mean time I spend thousands of whatever currency they sold it in and used tonns of various ingredients to establish the pros and cons of each.  I could say I ve found a lot of ways how to ring carp’s constant and long term feeding bells and probably even more of “not interested” turn downs. As you can imagine the learning curve was steep and costly (divorce-separation included) but I ve learnt so much in the process. I was more determined than ever to pursue my passion. After all, knowledge is the product of experience which by itself is usually the result of past bad judgement.

Making my own bait and carp obsessive social behaviour gradually lead to success. Big fish constantly started to munch my bait and landed in the cradle. They kept coming back as I have been changing swims throughout the year to exclude location factor. Prime takes followed on different lakes… When my good old friend with extraordinary catch balance of 28 carp over 50lbs from Smartinsko lake, changed his sponsored big name bait to mine… It was clear. I ve cracked it! At least good enough to make my special friends happy. Both, underwater and by the water alike.

I never wanted to sell my bait and turn emotional passion into cold profit business project as I never wanted (and never will) compromise the content of the bait in place of cost-efficient productivity. I rather threw away ingredients past BB date than sell my soul.

But then the obvious struck me…

The most I can do for my belowed carps is to promote natural and nutritionally balanced food while offering angler the joy and satisfaction of wild and constant takes at the same time.

As it turns out, I can only do that by making my bait avilable to the world. If that’s what it takes to make them healthy, big, strong and feisty for generations to come…Then I will BIO-TAKE!

As header suggests I don t think I know it all.  But I know enough to provide carp with healthy, balanced nutrition and provide no sleep to fishermen.

No Faith, but what We Make

Give something back. They deserve the best

# Premium and fresh ingredients

# Nutritional balance, optimal digestion

# No preservatives, artificial sweetners, MSG and/or chemicals

# Feed that provides long term well being, sustained energy, healthy growth and reproduction

# Always fresh because it is made 4 U

# Meticious care in water and on the bank


Cesta v Debro 14, 3270 LASKO

Slovenia - Europe

Contact:  +386 41 879 723

(Phone, Whats up, VIBER)

Mail: carp@bio-take.com

Contact us

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